“The kids were so relaxed and calm. It’s the quietest my classroom has been. I love L.A.U.G.H.® TIME – and cannot wait to continue the program in the classroom.”
—Madrona Elementary teacher

The Catherine Mayer Foundation recently completed a two-year pilot program in partnership with the University of Washington College of Education and Dr. Janine Jones, and Madrona Elementary School in Seattle. This partnership studied the impact of the L.A.U.G.H.® App on the learning experiences and moods of chronically stressed children in their learning environment.

In schoolwide trials (called L.A.U.G.H.® Time) at Madrona, the L.A.U.G.H.® App and corresponding Ambient Art® (where students’ art is visible on digital screens in classroom and throughout the school) had a significant influence on student’s joy of learning and school connectedness. Researchers found that students showed an 18.7% improvement in ‘joy of learning’ and a 19.2% increase in ‘school connectedness.’

The art-based mindfulness in the L.A.U.G.H.® App provides benefits to children by using multiple senses simultaneously, including: vision (images on the app and the AmbientArt® on the screens), tactile (digitally painting), listening (calming sounds and positive self-talk), and focused breathing (physical regulation).  Researchers found that this powerful combination creates an optimal opportunity for learning, belonging, and improving a student’s mood at school.


  • The L.A.U.G.H.® App is an art-based mindfulness app that students will be using twice a week in 20-minute sessions throughout the school year.
  • Year 1: Eighty (80+) students across four classrooms in the 2nd and 3rd grade participated in the pilot.
  • Year 2: 269 students across 12 classrooms, grades K-5, are participating in the program.
  • During L.A.U.G.H.® TIME, students will practice mindful breathing, create and share their art work, and answer related questions about the impact of L.A.U.G.H.® TIME on learning and school.
  • Students’ art work comes alive through Ambient Art® technology, displayed on monitors in the classroom and cafeteria.


  • Reduced stress
  • More focused attention
  • Increased joy in learning
  • Increased connection to school and peers


L.A.U.G.H.® TIME Year 1 Project Report

L.A.U.G.H.® TIME Year 2 Project Report

L.A.U.G.H. ®TIME Year 2 Study Results

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