The Catherine Mayer Foundation’s vision is to help people heal, find mindfulness, and build a sense of community through art.
The foundation was born from artist Catherine Mayer’s lifelong passion for how the arts can “help people get out of themselves”. Built upon the idea that combining art forms like drawing, music, and movement – together with breathing and other techniques – the foundation is helping youth and adults reach a state of mindfulness, focus, boost their mood and receptiveness to learning, and build a sense of community. As part of the mission, the foundation created The L.A.U.G.H.® App (“Let Art Unleash Great Happiness”), which is aligned with established SEL (social and emotional learning) metrics and frameworks. The app allows users to experience drawing in a multi-sensory environment, with an open canvas, and leverages evidence-based research conducted by the University of Washington College of Education and Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute. The app has demonstrated significant outcomes including enhanced mood, decreased stress, and improved focus—metrics supported by physiological data and qualitative observations.
Catherine Mayer believes in the power of creativity and its essential place in everyday life – its ability to open and connect the mind and spirit to anything and to anyone. This foundation is the result of many years spent in the effort and coordination to make the dream of these programs become a reality.
Her artwork focuses on the individuality of each moment — impacting the environment and the viewer simultaneously. Her personal style reflects unique energy, movement and gesture. Each of the foundation’s programs build on this style in order to reach audiences in new and creative ways.
Catherine’s work is internationally recognized and includes large scale installations, sculptures, murals and paintings. Visit CatherineMayer.com to learn more about her art.